The following individuals were instrumental in propelling my career through its stages, sharing their expertise, fine-tuning and finalizing a few of my ideas, and/or providing essential feedback for my portfolio.
Thank you all.
The following individuals were instrumental in propelling my career through its stages, sharing their expertise, fine-tuning and finalizing a few of my ideas, and/or providing essential feedback for my portfolio.
Thank you all.
Kostadin Atanassov
Atanas Genov
Rashko Kossev
Evgeny Dobrev & Kaloyan Dimitrov
and the voice actors at Radio AURA
Vicky Politova
Assya Madjarova
Gerassim Slavov
Milen Kalachev
Svetoslav Todorov
Doug Jasinski
Marni MacLeod
Chris Chang
Cintia Stela
Jay Holtslander & Farley Peck
Alex Ivanov
Ivan Sidzhakov
Ralitsa Russeva & Georg Iliev
Dominic Schaefer
Martin Martinoff & Plamena Pehlivanova
and my wife for her unwavering support